Directory of Departments
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Please be sure to check SPAM folders and other e-mail filters sometimes handled by your ISP or e-mail provider. Particularly with GMAIL. GOOGLE has made improvements in their e-mail filters and we have seen an increase of Bridgewater Township emails going to SPAM folders.
You may “whitelist” appropriate senders addresses to prevent this. Please ask your provider for directions.
For security purposes, all emails to Township email addresses must contain a name, address, and phone number in order to receive a response. In addition, no email containing an attachment will be opened by Township employees without prior notification from the sender.
The following contact numbers are related to the Bridgewater Municipal Building and are sorted by extension number. Click on each bolded name to send an email to that person.
Mayor of Bridgewater | 908.725.6300 x5000 | Matthew C. Moench |
Contact the entire Council in one email | | |
Council President Howard Norgalis | Howard Norgalis | |
Councilman Vice President Filipe Pedroso | Filipe Pedroso | |
Councilman Michael Kirsh | Michael Kirsh | |
Councilman Allen Kurdyla | Allen Kurdyla | |
Councilman Timothy Ring | Timothy Ring | |
Township Administrator | 908.725.6300 x5000 | Michael Pappas |
Deputy Township Administrator | 908.725.6300 x5000 | Scott Stephens |
Office of Constituent Relations | 908.725.6300 x5888 | Scott Maraldo |
Township Clerk | 908.725.6300 x5025 | Grace Njuguna |
Fire Official | 908.725.6300 x5555 | Thomas Scalera |
Human Resources Officer |
908.725.6300 x5045 | Christine Madrid |
Chief Finance Officer | 908.725.6300 x5110 | William Pandos |
Purchasing Agent | 908.725.6300 x5043 | Sarah Housman |
Accounts Payable/Escrow | 908.725.6300 x5103 | Pat DeSarno |
Tax Assessor | 908.725.6300 x5121 | Anthony DiRado |
Acting Tax Collector | 908.725.6300 x5143 | Blanca Lyons |
Director of Municipal Services and Sewer Utility Director | 908.725.6300 x5515 | Thomas Genova |
Township Engineer | 908.725.6300 x5090 | William Burr |
Code Enforcement Superintendent | 908.725.6300 x5565 | John Tillotson |
Public Works Superintendent | 908.725.6300 x6000 | Richard Shimp |
Township Planner | 908.725.6300 x5535 | Katherine Sarmad |
Zoning Officer | 908.725.6300 x5541 | |
Land Use Administrator/Deputy Zoning Officer | 908.725.6300 x5530 | Nancy Probst |
Director of Health & Human Services | 908.725.6300 x5210 | Christine Madrid |
Health Officer | 908.725.6300 x5205 | Kevin Sumner |
Recreation Superintendent | 908.725.6300 x5300 | Rachel Barrett |
Registrar of Vital Statistics | 908.725.6300 x5551 | Constance Delrocco |
Senior Services Coordinator | 908.725.8020 | Jennifer Osterberg |
Township Attorney | 908.526.0707 | Christopher Corsini |
Court Administrator | 908.725.6300 x5404 | Jenni Peterson |
Police Chief | 908.725.6300 x4034 | John Mitzak |
Somerset Regional Animal Shelter | 908.725.0308 | Brian Bradshaw |
Bridgewater Board of Education | 908.685.2777 | Robert Beers |
Somerset County Library | 908.526.4016 x129 | Brian Auger |