Bridgewater Township Municipal Building 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908) 725-6300 Monday- Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

Category Archives: News and Events

PRESS RELEASE: Bridgewater Park Renamed After Hobbstown Residents

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            
July 6, 2020
Contact: Wells Winegar, Dep. Administrator
Phone: 908-725-6300 ext. 5000
Bridgewater Park Renamed After Hobbstown Residents
Bridgewater, NJ – At the Bridgewater Township Council Meeting on Monday, July 6th, the Council approved a resolution to officially rename Somerville Manor Park (aka Hobbstown Park) to David and Phillip Miller Park. Representatives from the Hobbs Family Union approached the Mayor and Administration with a proposal for the name change in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the founding of Hobbstown, to honor brothers David and Phillip Miller for their impact and influence upon several generations of Hobbstown youth. 
“I am proud to have worked with the Hobbstown Family Union to rightly honor David and Phillip Miller with the renaming of this park,” said Mayor Matthew Moench. “David and Phillip stood for fair play, hard work in pursuit of excellence and teamwork, which can serve as an example to all Bridgewater youth now and in years to come.”
“I would like to thank the Mayor and Township Council for approving this resolution,” said Hobbstown Family Union President Kenneth Hobbs. “David and Phillip’s roots go back to the very beginning of Hobbstown and they have mentored countless athletes in our community. With the renaming of this park, they will continue to serve as an inspiration to the youth of this area.”
“It is an honor to recognize these great residents of Bridgewater,” said Council President Howard Norgalis. “Just as we officially renamed the section of town to Hobbstown a couple years ago, it is important that we continue to cement the legacy of one of the most historically rich areas of our community and pay respect to the individuals who made it that way.”
David and Philip Miller grew up in Bridgewater and both attended local schools—David graduated Somerville High School while Philip graduated from Bridgewater-Raritan. David was a player for the Raiders, a New Jersey minor league baseball team which he later managed in conjunction with his brother Philip, who passed on in 1999. The Miller brothers have served as positive role models for generations of youth from Hobbstown, to include such storied athletes as Ernie Van Ness, Jonathan Williams, Lester and Randy Johnson, and Eric Murdock. Miller remains a pillar of the Hobbstown community and Bridgewater at large.
Hobbstown officially became an unincorporated community with in Bridgewater Township in 2018.  The community has its beginnings in 1920, when the brothers Amos, General and Robert Hobbs purchased property there.  Hobbstown has continued to grow and thrive ever since. The neighborhood consists of Prince Rodgers Avenue, Sussex Avenue, Mercer Street, Richard Street, Monmouth Avenue, Hudson Street, Henry Street and Hoagland Court. 
A rededication ceremony is being planned for late July of this year.

PRESS RELEASE: Paul Payne Made New Chief of the Bridgewater Township Police Department

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            
July 6, 2020
Contact: Wells Winegar, Dep. Administrator
Phone: 908-725-6300 ext. 5000
Paul Payne Made New Chief of the Bridgewater Township Police Department
Bridgewater, NJ – At the Bridgewater Township Council Meeting on Monday, July 6th, the Council unanimously approved the Administration’s selection of Paul Payne to be promoted and serve as the new Chief of the Bridgewater Township Police Department.
“Over the last several months Chief Payne has served, as Acting Chief, in some of the most difficult circumstances that this Township has ever faced and has done so with the utmost poise and professionalism,” said Mayor Matthew Moench. “We, as a community, are lucky to have such a dedicated public servant and law enforcement official leading our group of first class police officers. I look forward to continuing our work together to keep Bridgewater a safe place to live.”
“I would like to thank Mayor Matthew Moench and the elected officials of Bridgewater for giving me the opportunity to be the next Chief of Police in Bridgewater Township,” said Chief Payne. “I have already had the privilege of running the agency during some challenging times as the Acting Chief and my success would not have been possible if not for my fellow supervisors and officers in the agency. As the next Chief of Police, I have been given an invitation to lead people and to make a difference. I will take the opportunity this new position has given me to try to improve individual lives, foster a great working environment and develop even deeper ties to our community.”
“Chief Payne is a great choice to lead the Department and I am proud to support his nomination,” said Council Vice President Filipe Pedroso. “His credentials and experience speak for themselves and I look forward to working together in the future.”
Chief Paul Payne has served in the Bridgewater Police Department for 22 years starting as an officer in 1997. Prior to joining the force, Chief Payne served in the United States Marine Corps as a Military Police Officer.

New Hours of Operations for Municipal Building

Residents: Please note that our hours of operation have changed. The normal business hours are now Monday-Friday; 9AM-5PM. If you require assistance at another time, please reach out to the Township staff and we will try to accommodate. Thank you.

Statement from Mayor Moench on the Selection of Jean Lee to Serve an Unexpired Term on the BRRSD Board of Education

“I would like to commend the Board of Education for their selection of Jean Lee to their vacancy.  As a resident of Bridgewater for over 22 years, Jean has not only raised her five children here, but has been an active member of the community.  Most recently, Jean, along with the Bridgewater Chinese American Association, donated a generous supply of PPE materials to our Police, OEM and other front line responders to help keep them and the public safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Jean is well aware of the value that the school district can bring to the community and is versed on how various policies could affect students, faculty and Bridgewater at large.  The selection of Jean, on the first vote in a field of 12 candidates, shows not only her quality and passion but serves to represent the diversity of our community.   I wish Jean the best of luck in her new role.”

Press Release: Court Denies Advance Realty’s Motion on Center of Excellence Site Plan Approval

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            
June 5, 2020
Contact: Wells Winegar, Dep. Administrator
Phone: 908-725-6300 ext. 5000
Court Denies Advance Realty’s Motion on Center of Excellence Site Plan Approval
Bridgewater, NJ – On Tuesday, April 21st, lawyers on behalf of Advance Realty filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment to obtain final site plan approval for the grocery store and hotel at the Center of Excellence site in Bridgewater. Their goal was to do this without being required to submit additional documentation to the Bridgewater Planning Board or go back for an additional final site plan hearing.  Bridgewater Township filed a response to this Motion on May 5th and today, June 5th, Judge Thomas Miller issued the Court’s decision.
The Court denied Advance Realty’s attempt to force the Bridgewater Township Planning Board to issue final site plan approval for the hotel and grocery store and denied their request to remove language from the Planning Board’s most recent Resolution issues on February 25th.
Mayor Matthew Moench issued the following statement in response to Judge Miller’s ruling:
“On behalf of the residents of Bridgewater, I am grateful that Advance Realty’s request to circumvent our municipal land use process did not succeed. Instead, the Court will take the time to review the entire record of the Center of Excellence application before it issues a ruling on the merits of the claim that the Planning Board acted improperly. I am confident that after such a review the Court will uphold the Planning Board’s reasonable requirement that the developer come back before the Bridgewater Planning Board with greater details on the supermarket and hotel before receiving final site plan approval.  As mentioned in the Court’s decision, the supermarket and hotel make up 150,000 square feet out of the 275,000 square feet of non-residential floor area. It is essential to the redevelopment of this site and its impact on the community that the Planning Board has all the information it needs on this significant aspect of the proposed development.
“My Administration has been crystal clear that we will advocate on behalf of our residents for a redevelopment plan that is appropriate for our community and that fits within the character of the Township we love. Whether it is this developer, or any other, we will provide a full, fair opportunity for businesses to grow and expand in Bridgewater. But for those developers, like Advance Realty, who want to impose their will on the Township to turn a profit at the expense of the quality of life for our residents, we will be fearless in our defense of the character of our community. 
“I am grateful for the victory today on behalf of our residents, and look forward to a final resolution of this chapter in the saga of the Center of Excellence development.”
The Township will announce information on next steps of the litigation as it becomes available.

PRESS RELEASE: Mayor Moench Announces Partnership with Boxcar Groceries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

April 30, 2020

Contact: Wells Winegar, Dep. Administrator

Phone: 908-725-6300 ext. 5000


Mayor Moench Announces Bridgewater Partnership with Boxcar Groceries


Bridgewater, NJ – Today, Bridgewater Township announced a partnership with Boxcar Groceries who will use the Municipal Complex for their contact-free, drive through grocery pickup.

Boxcar partners with local produce providers to make boxes of grocery staples available for purchase for Bridgewater residents who maybe nervous about going to a grocery during this challenging time.

The boxes include Milk, Eggs, Fruit and Vegetables and the Township is planning on working with some local businesses to provide additional add-ons in the future.

“We are excited to partner with such an innovative company who has adjusted their original business model in order to fit the needs of the current environment,” said Mayor Matthew Moench. “I hope our residents who wish to avoid the stress of grocery shopping in public, will find this service of value to them.”

“The response to our contact-free grocery pickups has been tremendous in the towns we are serving. We are excited to partner with Bridgewater to make drive-through groceries available to residents here, as well,” said Boxcar CEO Joe Colangelo.

Here’s how it works:

1.    If residents are interested in taking advantage of this service, they should go to — where you can reserve their box or donate one to a local charity.

2.    At the scheduled pick up time, drive to the Bridgewater Municipal Complex at 100 Commons Way and follow the signage to the pick-up area.

3.    The staff will observe license plates, which residents will submit upon purchase, and load your grocery box into your car. Completely Contact-free.

The first grocery pick up will be this Saturday, May 2nd from 11AM-1PM.

The first pick up will be limited to 50 boxes with plan to expand over coming weeks




PRESS RELEASE: Mayor Moench Releases Statement in Response to Latest Advance Reality Action on Center of Excellence Site

Mayor Moench Releases Statement in Response to Latest Advance Reality Action on Center of Excellence Site

Bridgewater, NJ – On Tuesday, April 21st, parties on behalf of Advance Realty filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment to obtain final site plan approval for the grocery store and hotel at the Center of Excellence site in Bridgewater. Their goal is to do this without being required to submit additional documentation to the Bridgewater Planning Board or go back for an additional final site plan hearing.

Of this action Mayor Matthew Moench released the following statement:

“In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, it is apparent, now more than ever, how important pharmaceutical research, development, and manufacturing is to our country. New Jersey, especially towns like Bridgewater, have been the bedrock of that industry. It is the time to step up as a community, as a state, and a country to revitalize those properties which can serve as the home for revitalizing and augmenting these industries. 

“The former Sanofi-Aventis site has been and would continue be an ideal location for this kind of critical activity. It is time for the developer to consider what is in the best interests of Bridgewater, New Jersey and the Country by working with us to create a plan that protects this vital resource and puts it to work for all of our collective interests. 

“Instead, the Developer continues to try to force upon us a site plan the community does not want. They are seeking to circumvent the land use process to get the supermarket that they want as opposed to one the community can accept after thorough and proper Planning Board review. The landscape has changed dramatically since the redevelopment plan was first conceived and I ask the developer to work with us on a new plan that looks at and fits the needs of our community today.”

The response to the motion is due on May 5th and a decision is expected approximately one month from that date. 



PRESS RELEASE: Bridgewater Township Council Passes Resolution Expressing Disappointment in Lack of Federal Stimulus Funds

Bridgewater Township Council Passes Resolution Expressing Disappointment in Lack of Federal Stimulus Funds
Bridgewater, NJ – The Bridgewater Township Council unanimously passed a Resolution expressing disappointment in the lack of federal stimulus funds coming to Bridgewater Township and called on the Township’s federal representatives to advocate for any future stimulus or aid for Bridgewater Township to help minimize the impacts of this crisis on its residents and property taxpayers.
$82.2 million of the $2.2 Trillion stimulus bill has been allocated to the State of New Jersey along with various counties and to municipalities with populations of at least 50,000, but Bridgewater received no funding because it misses the threshold at 45,000 residents.
“In addition to the devastating loss of life in Bridgewater from the COVID-19 pandemic, 28 souls as of today, we are also taking it on the chin financially through a tax revenue reduction of as much as $1.8 million and at least $250,000 in increased expenses,” said Councilman Michael Kirsh. “Governments and agencies throughout this region are raising their hands asking for help. We don’t have a daily televised press conference to make our plea. So instead, this resolution asks our Federal representatives, Senators Menendez and Booker and Congressman Malinowski, to fight for the needs of Bridgewater and hundreds of municipalities like us that have been bypassed to date, despite allocation of a whopping $2.2 Trillion in aid.”
Mayor Matthew Moench added,”I am in lockstep with the Council on this Resolution and I thank Councilman Kirsh for his leadership on it. Bridgewater has a population of 45,000; 5,000 short of the requirement to receive funding in this tranche of money. As the largest municipality in our Congressional District, I would have expected a better result. I implore our federal representatives to fight harder for Bridgewater as additional funding becomes available.”
Please see below for the full text of the Resolution:
WHEREAS, In March 2020 the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate passed S. 3548, a $2.2 Trillion “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” also known as the “CARES
Act”; and
WHEREAS, a stated intention of the CARES Act was to provide relief to individuals, businesses, agencies, and governments to account for negative financial consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, Bridgewater Township, with a population of 45,000, has experienced and is projecting a combination of higher expenses (at least $250,000) and reduced revenue (as much as $1.8 Million) directly attributable to the COVID-19 crisis; and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned impacts will require Bridgewater Township’s Mayor and Township Council to not only reduce expenses but to considerably increase the amount raised by taxation to develop a 2020 budget; and
WHEREAS, $82.2 million of the $2.2 Trillion stimulus bill has been allocated to the State of New Jersey along with various counties and to municipalities with populations of at least 50,000, but nothing for Bridgewater Township;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Bridgewater Township Council expresses its profound disappointment that Bridgewater Township’s financial needs, and those of every other New Jersey municipality with fewer than 50,000 residents, have not been accommodated to date within the $2.2 Trillion CARES Act; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bridgewater Township Council expresses to its elected Federal representatives (U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, U.S. Senator Cory Booker, and Congressman Tom Malinowski) its strong desire that any future stimulus or aid accounts for the needs of Bridgewater Township to help minimize the impact of this crisis on its residents and property taxpayers; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted electronically to the offices of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Congressman Tom Malinowski, State Senator Mike Doherty, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Assemblyman Erik Peterson, the Clerk of the Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders, and the Administrator of the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District.

Mayor Moench Holds Digital Small Business Forum with SBA

Last Friday, Mayor Matthew Moench and Bridgewater Township, in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration,  hosted a digital Small Business Forum. Bridgewater small business owners will had the opportunity to hear directly from and ask questions to SBA officials.
Call Participants included:
·        Matthew Moench, Mayor
·        Michael Pappas, Bridgewater Township Administrator
·        Alfred Titone, SBA New Jersey District Director
·        Michael Lampton, SBA Disaster Field Operations Center Acting Deputy Director
·        Kathy Cook, SBA External Affairs Specialist 
Please click below for a recording of the event:

Mayor Moench Holds First Telephone Town Hall for Residents

Mayor Matthew Moench, joined by Bridgewater’s Health and Emergency Management Officials, held a Telephone Town Hall for Bridgewater residents to discuss the municipal response the COVID-19 pandemic.
The community conversation ranged from information released on positive cases in Bridgewater to public health safety tips for families and included discussion on municipal taxes and revenues.  Please click the link below to listen to the recording:
Bridgewater Township Municipal Building 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908) 725-6300 Monday- Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

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