Bridgewater Township Municipal Building 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908) 725-6300 Monday- Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

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Department of Engineering

The Engineering Division deals with a wide range of activities. Our main function is to assist and protect the public by reviewing development applications and monitoring construction for compliance with township codes and conditions of approval. We also work on township improvement projects, investigate and respond to a wide variety of questions and concerns such as construction, drainage, property surveys, street light outages, traffic, utilities, etc.

Available in our office are the official tax maps and zoning maps for your review or purchase. Soil Disturbance permits for disturbances greater than 5,000 sq ft and Road Opening permits are also available in our office or online.

Click here
for the Soil Disturbance permits or click here for the Road Opening permits.

Tree removal on private property is governed by Township Ordinance.

 • Click here to view this ordinance

Click here to access and download the Tree Removal Application

Please contact the Engineering Department by phone at (908) 725-6300 ext. 5500 if you have any questions.


811eng_ver_rgbThe federally mandated, national phone number, 811, helps prevent you from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines. Before you begin projects that involve digging, dial 811 to locate underground electric, gas or other utility lines. Digging without this information can cause power outages, and it’s extremely dangerous. Simply tell the 811 operator where you’re planning to dig and what type of work you will be doing, and your local utility companies will be notified. Within a few days, they will mark the location of underground lines.

Please call at least three days in advance to avoid unnecessary delays to your project. Know what’s below – Call before you dig!

 For more information, visit

Senior Citizens Services

The Bridgewater Township Senior Citizen Center 

455 Somerville Rd.| Bridgewater, NJ 08807| 908-725-8020

Open Monday-Friday

9:00 AM-2:30 PM

Please check the Senior Citizens Events calendar to view all the activities.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Chair Aerobics 10:00 am
Chair Aerobics
Jul 5 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Weights Class 11:15 am
Weights Class
Jul 5 @ 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Aerobics 12:15 pm
Jul 5 @ 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
Movie Day 12:30 pm
Movie Day
Jul 5 @ 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm
Featured Film:  Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.  Bring your lunch and join us for a fun afternoon in the “Sr. Center Theatre!  Munchies will be provided.
Chair Aerobics 10:00 am
Chair Aerobics
Jul 12 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Weights Class 11:15 am
Weights Class
Jul 12 @ 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Chair Aerobics 10:00 am
Chair Aerobics
Jul 19 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Weights Class 11:15 am
Weights Class
Jul 19 @ 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Aerobics 12:15 pm
Jul 19 @ 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
Chair Aerobics 10:00 am
Chair Aerobics
Jul 26 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Weights Class 11:15 am
Weights Class
Jul 26 @ 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Aerobics 12:15 pm
Jul 26 @ 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
Virtual Sit & Get Fit 9:15 am
Virtual Sit & Get Fit
Jul 29 @ 9:15 am – 10:00 am
Dance Fitness Strength 10:15 am
Dance Fitness Strength
Jul 29 @ 10:15 am – 11:00 am
Dance Fitness 11:00 am
Dance Fitness
Jul 29 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am
Healthy Bones Class 11:45 am
Healthy Bones Class
Jul 29 @ 11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Virtual Book Club Meeting 1:00 pm
Virtual Book Club Meeting
Jul 29 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Book Title “Killers of the Flower Moon” by David Grann


Bridgewater Township Senior Citizen Center welcomes you to a journey of fitness, health, and socialization through our virtual and in-person activities. Please know that we value you and are concerned about the “whole” of you. Our classes are free of charge providing an incentive to join these beneficial activities. Our classes promote a relaxed atmosphere with a “sense of family.” We hope this journey will help meet your needs physically, mentally, and socially while bringing enjoyment and refreshment to your lives. 

Bridgewater Senior Citizens are urged to take advantage of the many programs offered through the Bridgewater Senior Citizen Center. Among these programs offered are Computer Class, Weight Training, Aerobic classes, Tai-chi, Dance Fitness, Strength Training, Stretch Bands, and Yoga.


In addition to these weekly activities, the center offers classes on health and wellness, financial stability, healthy cooking, and art programs. Fun, celebration parties are also a big highlight on the monthly schedule. 

The Bridgewater Senior Club, a separate group, which has 100 + members, holds its weekly meetings at the center on Tuesdays at noon. Among the activities offered at the Bridgewater Senior Club are Bingo, entertainment programs, 50/50 drawings, and various bus trips. There is a minimal annual due and seniors must be a Bridgewater resident to attend these meetings.  

Transportation to the BWT Sr. Center  is available for Bridgewater residents based on a limited schedule. We do not provide transportation to doctor’s appointments. For more information about senior citizen activities or transportation, call our Senior Citizen Coordinator, Jennifer Osterberg, at (908) 725-8020 or email Jennifer at


  1. Individuals must be a Bridgewater Township Sr. Center Member in order to access the free bus service. In order to be a member of the Sr. Center, individuals must complete a contact form and be a Bridgewater resident or a municipal tax payer to Bridgewater. No fee is required.
  2. Call 908-725-8020 to reserve a spot on the bus on the designated days provided. Reservations must be made at least 3 days prior to event date.
  3. Call 908-725-8020 ASAP for CANCELLATIONS!
  4. Individuals must stay for the duration of the allocated time for events on the Bus Schedule.
  5. The bus is wheel chair accessible. The bus driver will help individuals on and off the bus.
  6. A snack or lunch and drink need to be brought with individuals to accommodate their needs for the duration of the time at the Sr. Center other than Tuesdays for the Bridgewater Sr. Club. (If individuals choose to attend the Bridgewater Sr. Club on a Tuesday, they must join membership for this separate group and an annual due of $20 is required. Bridgewater Sr. Club members MUST BE a Bridgewater resident or municipal tax payer to Bridgewater township.)
  7. If individuals require a caretaker, the caretaker must accompany the individual for the duration of the event.

Department of Health and Community Services
Wildlife Issues

Bat activity typically increases from May through September. For further information on bats, click here

Click here for Lyme Disease Prevention Message

Bears are becoming a greater problem with humans here in the Garden State. This is due to the increased numbers of humans in wilder areas, increasing the chances of contact with the natural bear population. Within the past few years, bears have been observed in surrounding communities to Bridgewater, including Manville, Peapack, and Readington, and other more populated places to the east such as South Brunswick, North Brunswick, and New Brunswick. More recently, aggressive behavior from bears has been reported in New Jersey. In 2003, the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife recorded two aggressive contacts with humans. Fortunately, only minor injuries were reported in these instances.

These interactions between wild animals and humans are certainly not new, but they can be prevented. The three most important methods of preventing injuries to either yourself or an inquisitive bear are:

  1. NEVER place yourself between a mother bear and her cub(s);
  2. DO NOT run. Bears can run as fast as 30 mph, and they can climb trees.
  3. ALWAYS make as much noise as possible. Yell as loud as you can, bang pots, and scream.

Following these simple rules will allow chance encounters with bears to have a positive outcome. Bears are not vicious creatures. If one happens to find its way into your backyard, it is either being inquisitive, or is simply trying to find a different place to live, since it probably got kicked out of the place where it was before. By scaring it away from your house, it will know not to go back there. In addition, the NJ DEP suggests that keeping garbage, pet foods, and bird feeders secured from bears can reduce the number of problem incidents
Click here for more information on bears.


The proper use of repellent sprays along with deer-resistant landscaping techniques may help to significantly reduce the impact of deer browsing on residential properties in the Township. There are many brands of deer repellents commercially available. 
Click here to learn how to reduce your risk of deer collisions.


Interested property owners can allow deer hunting on their property by having a licensed hunter complete the “Hunt Smart Courtesy Card” (click to download) from the New Jersey Division of Fish, Game & Wildlife. This card must be completed by both the property owner and hunter. Each party should keep their half of the card, which serves as a legal document allowing temporary use of the property for hunting.

Sports hunters are required to comply with all state laws and local ordinances. Furthermore, all safety procedures must be applied as outlined in the New Jersey Hunter Education Program. Further details on sports hunting regulations may be found at the New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife website at


Coyote sightings are on the rise in Somerset County. These predators have been known to attack dogs, cats, and other small pets. Residents are encouraged to learn more about coyote habits by clicking on the following link


Information on Bird Flu | Avian Influenza (Flu) (


For more information on any of the above topics, please contact the Bridgewater Health and Community Services office at (908) 725-6300 ext. 5200 or by email at .

Department of Health and Community Services
Health Issues

Let’s Stop HIV Together

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced the Let’s Stop HIV Together Campaign to raise awareness about HIV and its impact on the lives of all Americans. For more information and to Act Against AIDS…

 Click here to learn more.

Lyme Disease

Click here to learn more

Center For Disease Control (CDC) Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to learn more.

Boil Water Advisory Guidelines

Click here to learn more

ALERT: NJ Residents May Be At Risk for Weather Related Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Click here to learn more

Tips for Year-Round Prescription Safety for All Ages

Click here to learn more

Myths About Poison Ivy

Click here to learn more

Guidelines for Proper Disposal of Household Medication

  Click here to learn more

Weather Related Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Click here to learn more

Parent Ground Rules for Trick or Treating

Click here to learn more

NJ DHSS Encourages All Residents to Get Annual Flu Shots

  Click here to learn more

Protect Your Family From Lead-Based Paint Poisoning

Click here to learn more

Poison Control Center: Medicines and Children

Click here to learn more

Underage Tobbaco Sales

Click here to learn more

Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Excessive exposure to sunlight may increase your risk to develop skin cancer or melanoma.

For more information click here

Smart Food Safety Practices Can Avoid
Summertime Foodborne Illness

Click here to learn more

Lamp Oils Can Be Deadly for Children
Click here to learn how and why to keep children away from lamps, lanterns, and torch lights

Prevent or Overcome Obesity

Visit the following website to offer tips to prevent or overcome obesity and promote community wellness. For more information on the Small Step Program

 Click here to learn more

Blood Cholesterol Awareness

The American Heart Association has recently published statistics that identified heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States. One modifiable risk factor for heart disease is high blood cholesterol. Blood cholesterol can be reduced through lifestyle changes such as dietary improvements, physical activity, weight control, drug therapy, or a combination of these measures.

The Center for Disease Control recommends that adults have a complete fasting lipid profile completed by a physician at least once every five years. Individuals with multiple risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure or family history of heart disease are especially encouraged to take action to increase their awareness of acceptable blood cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association maintains information on the prevention of heart disease and stroke at

For an informational booklet on high blood cholesterol, visit the National Cholesterol Education.

 Click here to learn more

Emerging Problem in New Jersey, Illegal Unregistered Pesticide Products

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is partnering with CEHA county health agencies in an initiative to investigate the sale of illegal pesticides products commonly sold in small neighborhood grocery stores (bodegas), dollar stores, hardware stores and on the street, particularly in urban areas. In 2005, several CEHA agencies have been asked to conduct a small number of investigations, and the Hudson Regional Health Commission has completed inspections of 49 retail establishments, reporting all findings to NJDEP. In Hudson County, 16% (8/49) of the locations visited had illegal, improperly labeled, or unregistered pesticide products available for retail sale. Inspections were conducted in a variety of areas, though 5 of 8 facilities (62%) with dangerous products were located in Hispanic neighborhoods. Illegal products were often imported from China or Mexico. However, one product labeled, “Made in the USA”, looks like a mouthwash but contains toxic ingredients and is actually a disinfectant for floors and other surfaces.

Illegal pesticide products often come in familiar shapes and packaging. Some common products identified are chinese chalk (insecticide chalk) which resembles black board chalk, “Tres Pasitos” a rodenticide, counterfeit flea and tick repellents for pets, antibacterial cleansers and mothballs, which pose a hazard to young children since some are packaged using bright colors which can be easily mistaken for candy, or simply tempt young children to touch and play with them. Recent studies have linked naphthalene, the chemical used in mothballs, to certain illnesses, including nasal cancer.


Mothballs – children may be mistake them for candy


Chinese Chalk may be mistaken for candy or play chalk.

Illegal pesticides are often much more toxic than registered pesticides, some have varying ingredients, their labels often have no clear directions or precautions despite claims of being

Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) that can only be purchased and applied by a certified pesticides applicator. See web link to view DEP Pesticides listing of RUPs:

Though the illegal products may look similar to and make the same claims as those legally registered, these products have not been thoroughly tested, and their labels have not been reviewed by the USEPA for clear directions and safety warnings. Labels of products containing registered pesticides will have USEPA Registration and Establishment numbers, directions for use and precautions.

When investigating the sale of illegal pesticides, NJDEP or county inspector will look for products that claim to have pesticide properties, check for the proper EPA registration numbers and verify that the pesticide is appropriate for use in homes (i.e. they are not a farm pesticide). They will take digital photographs of the product, attempt to secure a copy of the product invoice from the store owner. The NJDEP Pesticide Control Program is responsible for further investigations and taking enforcement action against the companies and stores selling the products. The USEPA has also increased enforcement actions against companies selling or distributing illegal household pesticides and has increased efforts to raise public awareness of these product dangers, their website can be accessed at Pesticides | US EPA


Products claiming pesticidal properties (including bactericides, insecticides or herbicides)
must have a valid USEPA Registration #, these do not.


Improper labeling creates a risk of poisoning.
This antiseptic floor cleaner may easily be mistaken for mouthwash.


Products intended for use outside the US may not be labeled for sale in this country.
The label on this product states it will kill the germ that causes cholera but it is not a registered product in the US.

For additional information contact NJDEP – Bureau of Pesticides Compliance at (609) 984-6507 or access their webpage at NJDEP-Compliance and Enforcement – Bureau of Pesticide Compliance. If you would like to report a product suspected of containing illegal pesticides, please contact NJDEP – Bureau of Pesticides Compliance enforcement at (609) 984-6568.

Affordable Housing

Bridgewater Affordable Housing

Bridgewater Township has maintained a successful affordable housing program for many years, supporting the development of over 1,400 affordable units across a variety of housing types, including single family homes, multi-family rentals, and special needs units. There are two primary components of this program – affordable housing units for sale or rent, and a housing rehabilitation program. Township funding for affordable housing units come from development fees collected by the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.


There are numerous affordable for-sale and rental properties within the municipality.  Click here to apply to rent an affordable housing unit in Bridgewater, or click here to apply to buy an affordable housing unit in Bridgewater. 

Bridgewater Township Housing Rehabilitation Program Application

What is it all about?

The Township of Bridgewater Housing Rehabilitation Program is designed to assist eligible residents with funding for major and minor housing rehabilitation to their principal place of residence.

This brochure provides a brief description of eligibility criteria, the application process and procedures.

So How Does the Program Help?

The program is designed to provide assistance based on the Program Building Inspector’s determination of what eligible items are needed and does not guarantee the maximum assistance.

If eligible, a 100% property rehabilitation Deferred Loan will be made available on a First Come, First Served basis.  A lien will be placed on your home and recorded with your property deed. This Loan (not to exceed $24,000) shall be forgiven ten (10) years from the date it is recorded at the County.  During the ten (10) years, if you should transfer title or rent to someone for any reason, you, your heirs, executors or representative, must notify the Township and repayment must be made within thirty (30) days.

Who is Eligible?

  • The applicant must be a resident of Bridgewater Township.
  • The applicant must be the owner of the property and the property must be the principal place of residence.
  • The Building cannot contain more than one (1) rental units and the principal unit must be owner occupied. All rent received must be declared as income by the applicant.
  • The annual GROSS income (amount prior to taxes) of all persons residing in the applicant’s household must not exceed the maximum income level established by State Guidelines. These limits are subject to change annually.
  • Property taxes must be current.
  • The building must not be utilized for any purpose other than residential use.


Find the number of persons residing in the household to obtain the maximum income allowed. Subject to change without notice. For Households over 8 call Rehabco at 732-477-7750.

# of Persons in Home

Maximum Allowed Income


# of Persons in Home

Maximum Allowed Income





















ELIGIBLE Rehabilitation and Improvements are:


Major Repairs or Replacements:

  • Roof
  • Heating System (includes hot water heater)
  • Plumbing (includes wells, sewer, and water connections)
  • Electrical
  • Sanitary Plumbing (including septic systems)
  • Weatherization to reduce energy consumption
  • Load Bearing structural damage
  • Handicap facilities (documentation required)
  • Stove (ONLY when a safety hazard exists)


Minor Repairs or Replacements:

  • Minor painting
  • Masonry
  • Gutters and leaders
  • Drywall and flooring
  • Fixtures
  • Minor Carpentry
  • Repair Driveways and sidewalks


INELIGIBLE Rehabilitation and Improvements are:

  • Custom Painting
  • Cosmetic Luxury Fixtures
  • Purchase of appliances not required by local code
  • Acquisition of land
  • Landscaping
  • Custom tile
  • Retention walls

Next Steps:

If after reading this site, you believe you are eligible for assistance, the first step is to completely fill out and return the Application along with all the documentation requested.  Incomplete applications and/or missing documents will result in delaying your eligibility.

Applications are logged in order of the date a complete application is reviewed and approved and will be served on a First Come, First Served basis.

If your application has been on file for more than six (6) months when it reaches the top of the Application Logbook, your eligibility must be re-verified based on the requirements at the present time.  If determined eligible, an appointment will be scheduled for an electrical inspection and a property inspection.  You, or an adult representative, MUST be present for both inspections.  A Work Write-Up for rehabilitation work will be prepared based upon the results of these inspections.  A copy of the Work Write-Up will be forwarded to you for your review and comments.

The Program Building Inspector and the Homeowner will monitor the construction work in order to determine compliance with the Rehabilitation Contract.  All work must be approved by the applicable Borough Inspectors as well as the Program Inspector prior to the contractor receiving payment.

Have any Questions?

If you require assistance in completing the related forms or need answers to any questions, please contact the Program Staff at:

44 East Water Street, Toms River NJ 08753

Phone:  732-477-7750

Fax:  732-920-9649









Division of Public Works

The Division of Public Works is comprised of five (5) Departments; Road, Sewer, Building and Grounds, Parks and Fleet Maintenance.

It is the mission of Bridgewater Public Works to provide:

  • Effective street maintenance
  • Storm and sanitary sewer management
  • Environmentally responsible drainage
  • Yard waste management
  • Accessible secure and properly maintained buildings
  • Clean and safe parks
  • Maintenance of entire fleet of Township vehicles and equipment

Functions of Public Works include but are not limited to the following:

Repair of potholes, patching of roads, sweeping of streets, repair of inlets and catch basins, maintenance of street and traffic signs and removal of dead deer from roads. Maintenance of sanitary sewer main lines, cleaning of flow channels and catch basins/inlets. Ground maintenance in parks, properties and facilities and maintenance/repair of all Township owned vehicles and equipment.

Take note of our address and phone number:

411 Chimney Rock Rd.
Building A
Bound Brook, NJ 08805
908-725-6300 Ext. 6000

Mailing Address:

100 Commons Way
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

If you have any questions please call (908) 725-6300 extension 6000 or email

For any questions relating to sewer bills, please contact our Tax Collector’s office at (908) 725 – 6300 x5145 or

No curbside pickup is available from the Public Works Division.


Dead Deer Pickup

Bridgewater Township contracts with a service to remove dead deer from resident’s living spaces on their property or Township roadways.   Once the contractor is notified, they have 48 business hours to remove the deer.  Our policy for removal of deer only apply to areas considered part of the living space for residents such as yards or gardens.  An animal that is deceased in the woods or natural areas is left to decompose naturally.  This is beneficial for the ecosystem as it provides nutrients for the soil and food for other wildlife. This also helps us to manage costs effectively, as removing and disposing of deer in this type of setting would use taxpayer money for a non-essential removal.

Christmas Tree Drop Offs

Bridgewater Township will once again provide drop-off locations for real Christmas trees from December 26, 2023 through January 31, 2024. These locations are open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Ardmaer Park
  • Chimney Rock Park
  • Thomae Park
  • Cedarbrook Park


Residents may also bring their Christmas trees to the Yard Waste Facility located at 136 Foothill Road. The facility will be open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., weather permitting. Additionally, they are open Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  Starting January 15th, the hours will be Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and closed on Saturdays until March 16th.


Christmas Tree Recycling Guidelines

  • All decorations, lights, wires, tinsel, and other objects should be removed from the tree prior to drop-off.
  • Only natural trees will be accepted. Do not drop off wreaths, garland, or artificial trees.
  • Group deliveries and trees from vendors will not be accepted.
  • Trees should be piled neatly and as close together as possible at the drop-off location.


Somerset County is also offering two drop-off locations, which will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • Colonial Park Gardens, located at 156 Mettlers Road, Parking Lot F, in Somerset (Franklin Township).
  • North Branch Park, located at 355 Milltown Road, at the lighted baseball field, in Bridgewater.


If you have any questions, please call the Bridgewater Public Works Dept. at (908) 725-6300 extension 6000 or email

If you should come across a pothole on a Bridgewater road, please report it to our Public Works Division by using our online form here or by calling (908)-725-6300 Ext. 6000 or sending an e-mail to Please give us the location of the pothole so that we can repair it immediately.

If the pothole is on a county road, call Somerset County at (908) 541-5021 or click on this link to complete an online roadway complaint inspection form.

If the pothole is on a state highway, call the New Jersey Department of Transportation at (609) 292-4347 or click on this link.


Senior Brush Pick-Up is a program that offers brush pick-up to Bridgewater homeowners aged 65 or older. The program allows Bridgewater seniors to call the Department of Public Works (DPW) to schedule pick-up of sticks, twigs, branches, and small limbs. In order to be eligible for the program, the senior citizen must be the actual homeowner of the property. Proof of eligibility may be required. We will provide pick-up service on Thursdays, beginning March 28th, and will conclude the last week in October. Please follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Brush must be 5 feet or less in length.
  • Logs and limbs must be 6 inches or less in diameter.
  • Brush piles must be stacked neatly in one direction at the curb line.
  • Friends, family, neighbors, and landscape contractors may not add to your brush pile.
  • Brush can be placed in brown recyclable bags. Limit of 5 bags. Plastic bags are not acceptable.
  • The brush pile may not be any larger than 7 feet in length, 5 feet in width, and 4 feet in height.
  • Grass, mulch, leaves, dirt, roots, and stumps will not be collected.
  • Tree contractors hired to remove storm debris and trees must remove the resultant debris.

This program is not intended for DPW to act as a tree removal service. If the above conditions are not met, the items cannot be picked up. Appointments are made on a first come, first serve basis. To make a reservation, please contact DPW at 908-725-6300 ext. 6000.

Please note that yard waste may also be dropped off at the Bridgewater Township Yard Waste Facility located at 136 Foothill Road.

This program is not intended for DPW to act as a tree removal service.  If the above conditions are not met, the items cannot be picked up.  Appointments are made on a first come, first serve basis.  To make a reservation, please contact DPW at (908) 725 – 6300 ext. 6000.

You can also drop off yard waste at the Bridgewater Township yard waste facility at 136 Foothill Road. 

For further information please click –


Fall leaf bags can be picked up at the Department of Public Works located at 411 Chimney Rock Rd. Building A Bound Brook, NJ 08805 starting on October 1.  The hours of distribution will be from 8 AM – 3 PM, Monday through Friday until supplies run out.  Residents can only pickup for your household only.  Please bring identification to display when picking up bags. 

Only leaves should be placed in the bio-degradable paper bags.  Grass clippings, brush and other materials will not be picked up.

The bags are picked up continuously on a rotating basis Monday – Friday throughout the Township between November 1st and December 31st, weather permitting.  The curbside collection of leaf bags will end December 31st.

Residents may continue to drop-off their leaf bags at the Township’s Yard Waste site located on 136 Foothill Road behind Costco. The Yard Waste site is open through the end of each year. Residents may bring all yard waste material to the Township’s Yard Waste Site.

If you have any questions, please call (908) 725-6300 extension 6000 or email



The Public Works Division wants to remind residents that portable basketball hoops, street hockey goals, etc. must be removed from the roadways including cul-de-sacs for snow plow operations.  They should be far enough away from the curb or edge of pavement so that they will not hang over the edge.

During snow events, we request that cars be placed in driveways and off the street.  Trash cans and recycling containers should also be kept off the roadways as the plow driver may not see these obstacles or may go around those obstacles leaving these areas unplowed.  The Township will not be responsible for any damage to trash cans, recycling containers, basketball hoops, street hockey goals, etc. damaged during snow plow or salting operations.  It is the owner’s responsibility to have these items relocated or removed.

In general, the snow plow procedure during the storm is to clean the center of the roadway, to provide access to all roads in an area.  Once the storm is over the driver will then proceed to clear the roadway curb to curb (edge to edge of pavement) on each street in the area.  Depending on the rate of snowfall we may need to open the center of all the roadways in an area first, delaying the full width clearing to a later time in the snow event. If the roadway has not been cleaned curb to curb, be aware that the front of your driveway maybe covered with snow as the plows complete their work. Please be aware that major roads are plowed first before local residential streets and cul-de-sacs.

If you have any questions please call (908) 725-6300 ext. 6000.


Owners or tenants of any land next to Township public streets must remove all snow and ice from sidewalks within 12 hours of daylight after snowfall has stopped. Snow should be kept on the owner’s property and not moved into the street so that traffic safety is not impacted. If the sidewalk is covered with ice that the owners or tenants cannot remove, the sidewalk must be thoroughly covered with sand, ashes or rock salt within 24 hours after the snowfall has stopped.

Snow that is not removed from sidewalks or ice that is not treated within the time provided above may be removed or treated by the Public Works Division at the homeowner’s expense.


811eng_ver_rgbThe federally mandated, national phone number, 811, helps prevent you from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines. Before you begin projects that involve digging, dial 811 to locate underground electric, gas or other utility lines. Digging without this information can cause power outages, and it’s extremely dangerous. Simply tell the 811 operator where you’re planning to dig and what type of work you will be doing, and your local utility companies will be notified. Within a few days, they will mark the location of underground lines.

Please call at least three days in advance to avoid unnecessary delays to your project. Know what’s below – Call before you dig!

 For more information, visit

Township Building Directions

Interstate 78 Traveling West
Exit at I-287 South and travel southbound, staying to the right where 287 splits, and continue approximately 3 miles to Exit 17 – Route 202/206 South. Stay in the right lane for the quick exit onto Commons Way. Turn right at the traffic light off of the exit ramp. The Municipal Complex is right before the traffic light (Garretson Road and Commons Way intersection).

Interstate 78 Traveling East
Exit at I-287 South and travel southbound and continue approximately 3 miles to Exit 17, Route 202/206 South. Stay in the right lane for the quick exit onto Commons Way. Turn right at the traffic light off of the exit ramp. The Municipal Complex is right before the traffic light (Garretson Road and Commons Way intersection).

Route 22 Traveling East
Exit at Route 202/206 North / I-287 North and continue northbound. Exit at Commons Way and turn left at the traffic light off of the exit ramp. Proceed through one traffic light. The Municipal Complex is right before the traffic light (Garretson Road and Commons Way intersection).

Route 22 Traveling West
Exit at Commons Way (just past North Bridge Street exit). Proceed through 5 traffic lights. The Municipal Complex is right before the traffic light (Garretson Road and Commons Way intersection).

Interstate 287 Traveling North to Route 22 West (left lane exit)
Exit Route 287 from left lane at Exit 14B (Route 22 West). Travel west 2.3 miles to Commons Way exit (just past North Bridge Street exit). Proceed through 5 traffic lights. The Municipal Complex is right before the traffic light (Garretson Road and Commons Way intersection).

Interstate 287 Traveling South
Stay to the right where Interstate 287 splits just south of Interstate 78 and continue to Exit 17, Route 202/206 South. Stay in the right lane for the quick exit onto Commons Way. Turn right at the traffic light off of the exit ramp. The Municipal Complex is right before the traffic light (Garretson Road and Commons Way intersection).


Township Clerk

The Municipal Clerk is a statutory position. Under Bridgewater’s form of government, the Clerk is appointed by the Township Council and is a direct link between the residents and their government. The Municipal Clerk’s duties are secretary to the municipal corporation and the governing body, chief administrative officer in all elections, coordinator and records manager of local archives and record retention, licensing official for licenses including alcoholic beverages, dogs, cats, raffles, bingo and other games of chance, and other duties as imposed by statute, regulation or municipal ordinance.

Township Clerk:
Grace W. Njuguna, RMC

100 Commons Way
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
(908) 725-6300 Ext. 5025

Click here for 2024 Election News

(Open Public Records Act)
Requests for Open Public Records are requested through this office. By law, the Township has seven (7) business days to respond to the requestor. 

OPRA requests will now be submitted online through Next Request. Click here to file an OPRA request.

State Law requires the owners of all dogs and cats seven (7) months of age OR with permanent teeth to apply for a license annually. While Licensing is conducted throughout the year, Dog Licenses are generally issued in the month of January and Cat Licenses are generally issued in the month of June.

Licensing Options:

  1. Visit the Clerk’s Office during regular business hours. We are open Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 5 pm
  2. Mail to 100 Commons Way – Bridgewater, NJ 08807 ATT: Animal Licensing
  3. Register your pets online by logging onto

For Option #1 and #2, please enclose a check or money order (NO CASH) payable to “Bridgewater Township” and enclose a Self- Addressed STAMPED envelope for us to mail your license and tag back to you. Additional postage is required when mailing back more than one license. PLEASE ENSURE THE CORRECT POSTAGE.

Cost for Dogs: $15.00 Altered or $18.00 if NOT Altered.
Cost for Cats: $5.00, No late fees
Note: Late Fees (for Dogs) are an additional $3.00 after February 1st and $10.00 after June 1st per license.

RABIES VACCINATION MUST be good for the licensing period which means it must be good through November 1ST  (Dogs) & May 1ST (Cats) of the licensing year. Proof of current rabies vaccination must be provided if new to our system, near expiration, or expired.  Proof of spaying/neutering is required unless previously provided.

DOG AND CAT APPLICATION FORM CAN BE FOUND HERE. If a dog/cat is already in our system, an application is not required.

Pursuant to the provisions of the New Jersey Tort Claims Act, N.J.S.A. 59:2-1 et seq., the following Tort Claim form has been adopted as the official form for the filing of claims against the Township of Bridgewater.


A Limousine letter of Compliance is required for owners of Limousines whose businesses are located in Bridgewater. Limo licenses are issued throughout the year.

Limousine Applications must be submitted in person.  In order for us to issue your letter of compliance, the Township requires that you provide an original certificate of insurance in the amount of NO LESS than $1.5 million and requires that Bridgewater Township be named on the certificate. A $25.00 application fee for each vehicle is also required.


Within 30-days of transfer of ownership or creation of a new apartment, every landlord of a dwelling, except owner-occupied premises with not more than two(2) rental units must file with the clerk of the municipality in which the residential property is situated, a certificate of registration.

Landlord registrations are filed annually in this Office. They can be mailed, emailed, or submitted in person.


These must be submitted in person to the Clerk’s office and must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Must show an original copy of the organization’s registration card from the NJ Legalized Game of Chance Control Commission
  • All applications must be filed in quadruplicate with ORIGINAL signatures of at least two members and one officer in charge
  • All applications must be notarized
  • Organization should be prepared to submit two checks for fees that may be incurred when applications are submitted
  • New organizations must include a copy of their by-laws

Click here for detailed instructions on how to apply for/amend a Raffle License
Click here for detailed instructions on how to apply for/amend a Bingo License

Application Forms:

LGCCC Application for Bingo License

LGCCC Application for Raffle License

LGCCC Application to Amend Bingo/Raffle License

LGCCC Initial Affidavit and Application for Biennial Registration

These applications are filed online and must be applied for at least 21 days prior to the event date. There will be a 7 business day deferral of processing this permit to allow for municipal review. CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE WITH POSSE ABC

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are applying for this permit less than 21 days prior to the event date, you must submit a paper application to the Clerk’s Office at least 14 days in advance. YOU MAY DOWNLOAD THE SOCIAL AFFAIRS APPLICATION HERE.

All Clerk’s Office personnel are notaries. We certify people’s identities on documents and authenticate true copies of original documents.
While appointments are not required, they are recommended.

MAPS – (Street, Zoning, Fire Districts, Voting Districts) can be purchased in the Clerk’s office for $1.61.

TOWNSHIP CODE – Land Use Books (Chapter 126 of the Municipal Code), including the Zoning Map can be purchased in the Clerk’s Office for $35.40.

The Municipal Clerk is the Chief Administrative Officer in all elections held in the municipality and the Chief Registrar of Voters in the municipality. 

To be eligible to vote:

  • A person must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the next ensuing election
  • Must be a United States citizen and be a resident of the State of New Jersey and of the County at least 30 days before the election.
  • Not be on parole, probation, or serving sentence due to a conviction for an indictable offense under any federal or state laws.

Registration of new voters is required prior to the 28th day preceding the election. Voters may register after the deadline, but the registrant should be advised that he will not be eligible to vote in the election immediately forthcoming but will be eligible to vote in elections held thereafter.  Evening registration is held at the Somerset County Administration Building, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the twenty-ninth (29th) day prior to an election.

CLICK HERE to check whether you are registered to vote.

To Access the Voter Registration Form, Vote by Mail Form, and other Elections-related information, visit the Somerset County Election Page by CLICKING HERE.

VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION (can be mailed or submitted in person)

Application for Mail-In Ballot – The application must be either mailed to the County Clerk seven days prior to the election OR must be handed in at the County Clerk’s office before 3 p.m. on the day prior to the election.

The following is a list of polling places in Bridgewater Township for primary and general elections only. To determine where you vote, locate your election district number on the election map then use the list below to determine your polling place.

District #1 Bradley Gardens Firehouse, 24 Old York Road
District #2  Bradley Gardens Firehouse, 24 Old York Road
District #3  Adamsville School, Union Avenue
District #4  Bridgewater Municipal Court – Mtg Rm 102, 100 Commons Way
District #5 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road
District #6 Hamilton School, Hamilton Lane (off Frohlin Dr.)
District #7 Bridgewater Senior Center, 455 Somerville Road
District #8 People Care Center, 120 Finderne Avenue
District #9 Finderne Rescue Squad, 476 Union Avenue
District #10 Blessed Sacrament Parish Center, Washington Valley Road, Martinsville
District #11 Bridgewater Municipal Court – Mtg. Rm 102, 100 Commons Way
District #12 Blessed Sacrament Parish Center, Washington Valley Road, Martinsville
District #13 Hillside School, Brown Road
District #14 Adamsville School, Union Avenue
District #15 Finderne Rescue Squad, 476 Union Avenue
District #16 Bradley Gardens Firehouse, 24 Old York Road
District #17 Hamilton School, Hamilton Lane (off Frohlin Dr.) 
District #18 Bridgewater Senior Center, 455 Somerville Road
District #19 Bridgewater United Methodist Church, 651 Country Club Road
District #20 Blessed Sacrament Parish, Washington Valley Road, Martinsville
District #21 Bridgewater Senior Center, 455 Somerville Road
District #22 Hillside School, Brown Road
District #23 Blessed Sacrament Parish Center, Washington Valley Road, Martinsville
District #24 Blessed Sacrament Parish Center, Washington Valley Road, Martinsville
District #25 Eisenhower School, 791 Eisenhower Avenue (off Steeple Chase)
District #26 Eisenhower School, 791 Eisenhower Avenue (Off Steeple Chase)
District #27 Adamsville School, Union Avenue
District #28 Hillside School, Brown Road
District #29 Hillside School, Brown Road
District #30 Bridgewater United Methodist Church, 651 Country Club Road
District #31 Bradley Gardens Firehouse, 24 Old York Road
District #32 Bridgewater Senior Center, 455 Somerville Road
District #33 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road
District #34 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road
District #35 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road
District #36 Bridgewater United Methodist Church, 651 Country Club Road

Interested parties should fill out and submit a poll worker application to as soon as possible, and will be directed to an online training program they must complete before being assigned a polling location.


  • You must be a registered voter of Somerset County.
  • High school students (16 or 17 years old) can serve as poll workers as long as they are a United States Citizen, a resident of Somerset County, and have written permission from a parent or guardian and high school representative.
  • You must work at a polling location in the County where you are registered.


  • Typically, four poll workers, (two Republicans and two Democrats), serve on a District Board.
  • Poll workers must arrive at 5:15 AM on Election Day to set up and will declare the polls open on time (6:00 AM).
  • Poll workers will remain at the polling location until the close of the polls and will perform all necessary steps in shutting down the voting machine.
  • One poll worker will be charged with obtaining and signing for the supplies and returning the supplies to the municipal clerk after the close of the election. This person will receive additional compensation.

All poll workers are now required to attend a class every other year. Failure to comply will reduce the Election Day compensation to $50.00.
Click here for a brief summary of the poll worker training.

During the Primary and General Elections, each poll worker will be compensated in the amount of $300.00 for the Election Day from set-up to closing. The poll worker who obtains the supplies for their assigned district prior to the opening of the polls will be compensated the additional amount of $12.50. The poll worker who returns the supplies after the close of the polls will be compensated the additional amount of $12.50.

For information on how to contact your Legislative Representative, click here

Bridgewater Township Municipal Building 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908) 725-6300 Monday- Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

This Site copyright 2023, Bridgewater Township, NJ All Rights Reserved
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